Lacing Hole Options

I have seen what you all think about the lacing technique – whip lacing vs. cross lacing, on our bliauts. I have a question I never thought to ask before, and do not remember discussion about this here. Does anyone have advise, documentation, etc. on the holes that the lacings …


(original subject line:  Re: Re: Thanks all) I applaud the embroidery! I have no intention of learning how to weave – I don’t need any more hobbies in this grand huge hobby of ours. I embroider, love it and plan to put that machine made stuff out of business (no …

Silk Weaves

What might have silk from the 12th century look like? I’ve heard that some silk came back with the Crusaders and that very wealthy ladies wore it, but I have no idea what weave would be appropriate. Can I get away with a dupioni (which is kind of nubby), or …

Period Colours

Hi Everyone, I thought it was about time I introduced myself and this is a subject where I may have something to offer. I am Debra and I have to admit I belong to a C13th group, but my obsession with clothes from all era’s led me to this group. …

The Language of Color Value

I was thinking about the difficulties of communicating color value. One idea I have seen tried elsewhere is using a DMC embroidery thread equivalent. The charts are relatively inexpensive (and useful for those who embroider) and would allow for an understanding of color without the variances in color calibration on …

Fabric Color

(original subject line:  “Wool types and Colors”) Q:  Would a wedgewood-like blue, royal blue (like on the US flag), a bright medium blue, or a deep olive be period? A#1:  I’ll try and give you a start: Blues: The only period bright blue clothing dye* I am aware of is …

Wool Types

(original subject line:  “Wool types and Colors”) Q:  What type of wool is period (worsted, twill, flannel, etc.)? A#1:  The museum of London book, “textiles and clothing” I am told discusses this topic, but with major references to the 13 and 14th centuries and somewhat scanty references to the 12th. …


I am looking for information about orfrois. Were plain bands woven then decorated?  Was it strips of fabric that was embroidered before being sewn onto fabric?  Or was it embroidery that was cut off of worn out clothing, the sewn onto a new piece? I am interested because I want …