Silk Weaves

What might have silk from the 12th century look like? I’ve heard that some silk came back with the Crusaders and that very wealthy ladies wore it, but I have no idea what weave would be appropriate. Can I get away with a dupioni (which is kind of nubby), or …

Period Colours

Hi Everyone, I thought it was about time I introduced myself and this is a subject where I may have something to offer. I am Debra and I have to admit I belong to a C13th group, but my obsession with clothes from all era’s led me to this group. …

The Language of Color Value

I was thinking about the difficulties of communicating color value. One idea I have seen tried elsewhere is using a DMC embroidery thread equivalent. The charts are relatively inexpensive (and useful for those who embroider) and would allow for an understanding of color without the variances in color calibration on …

Fabric Color

(original subject line:  “Wool types and Colors”) Q:  Would a wedgewood-like blue, royal blue (like on the US flag), a bright medium blue, or a deep olive be period? A#1:  I’ll try and give you a start: Blues: The only period bright blue clothing dye* I am aware of is …

Wool Types

(original subject line:  “Wool types and Colors”) Q:  What type of wool is period (worsted, twill, flannel, etc.)? A#1:  The museum of London book, “textiles and clothing” I am told discusses this topic, but with major references to the 13 and 14th centuries and somewhat scanty references to the 12th. …

Shot Silk/Mixed Weaves

I am currently fondling a beautiful piece of linen/silk I brought home from Pennsic two years ago. It’s woven of blue silk on the weft and yellow linen on the warp, resulting in a green fabric that shimmers. Does anyone have documentation that suggests such a weave was used? I’m …


(A compendium of information from discussions on the 12th Century Garb Yahoo Group list) Weaving Drafts Q: “I am coming ever closer to my goal of creating a cloak of handwoven fabric of handwoven weft (I am new to the drop-spindle, and fear it will be a long time before I have the …