• Theories & Image Analysis - This page will catalog various discussions regarding how to interpret images of clothing from the 12th century, and how that might be made and/or worn.   However, it should be noted that in the beginning, Yahoo Groups gave rather limited space for non-message content like photos and files.  That means that the list owner, moderators, and users tended to remove previously posted items in order to make room for new materials.  But, the discussions in the archive still contain the links, often referring pictures that are not there.  I will try to find the images if I can, but in…
  • Images for Discussion - "I've just uploaded some of my favorite 12th century clothing illustrations to the site. All from period sources. [Editor:  Need to check if there are still there. - EMK] Christ's Ministry.See the hose on the guy standing behind Christ in the first panel and the baggy braies on the wild man in the middle panel. Comedies of Terence.Look at the interesting round neck treatments, and the particularly short tunic on the guy in the middle. Note the odd crumple of the fabric on his hip. See that same thing on several of the other figures. Keep looking for these in…
  • Lacing - Was the lacing done with a single cord (spiral style) or 2 cords (cris-cross method). Are there pics/close-ups showing this anywhere? ~ Joleicia / Carolyn Holley Message #1008, April 10, 2003 The only evidence for what kind of lacing was used that I know of is [this image from the Winchester Psalter]: What is very probably a knight's surcoat. Shows a wonderful example of spiral laceing and cord with an aglet on the end It depicts (sends up?) the costume of a knight (yes male garb), but does clearly show spiral lacing through eyelets. This is evidence of spiral lacing…
  • More Nordic Wooden Sculptures - Finally I've uploaded some more Nordic pictures. They are in a photo album called “Wooden Sculpture”. My favourite Madonna, the one from Heda is there. BTW does anybody know how you do if you want to change the name of the photo album? I have some illuminations scanned that I want to add too, and then name doesn't make much sense. ~ Aleydis van Vilvorde/ Eva Andersson Message #1059, April 23, 2003 Madonna from Heda Thanks for sharing these! I note that all three Madonnas have the unusual neckline with a round piece that approximates where a keyhole neckline would…