
(A compendium of information from discussions on the 12th Century Garb Yahoo Group list)

“I can only second that Maggie Forrest says 14th century dresses would be cut to provide support. She suggests fitting the seams of the dress while lying flat on the floor to get a good fit.

“However it seems odd (to me who has little idea about 13th century dress) to have a very tight underdress with a loose overtunic. Surely “10 gore dress” is a more appropriate model than St-Louis tunic? Actually they’re both male garments, but anyway…

“I believe either Mark Carlson and/or Maggie Forrest’s sites (should be in the bookmarks section of the page) have circumference measurements for the bust vs waist measurements on the few garments whole enough to measure.”
~ Teffania
Message #71, June 20, 2002